Thursday, March 21, 2013

12 Weeks

I can't believe we're already approaching the end of our 1st Trimester!  The time seems to have passed so quickly, although, in the moment, it feels like the days drag on - probably because I've been so tired.  Yes, I'm still tired, but I will take this over extreme nausea anyday!

This past week was quite busy.  I went shopping with some friends after work for another friend's upcoming baby shower. I still cannot get over how many things there are for babies and how many options there are for each one of them...overwhelming to say the least, but understanding my procrastinating nature, I'm sure we'll square it all away perfectly at some point - thank you Georgia Tech :)

Saturday was generally uneventful, but we did finish our taxes!  Hopefully the baby will bring us more fortune during this season next year :).  On Sunday, St. Patrick's Day, I met up with some of the girls from work for brunch, who I'm slowly starting to reveal our exciting news to! And, then we watched another one of our coworker's take the stage in "Annie".  Afterwards, we had great dinner with some friends, and called it a night.  As I put it to them, I really get to celebrate the holiday this year! - as I am currently 1/16th Irish, being that the baby is 1/8th - or as Rishee puts it, I'm not Irish at all, but at least I can say that I have 1/8th of an Irish in me :).

With such a busy Sunday, Monday morning was rough, but fortunately we had a "snow day" on Tuesday - thanks to almost a foot of snow, so I was able to have a bit of downtime during the day to recouperate!

The baby has also had a busy week!
"At this point, the baby weighs about one half of an ounce and is approximately the size of a large plum.  Most of his or her systems are now in place and will undergo a good bit of maturing over the next several weeks - his fetal digestive system is beginning to practice contraction movements necessary for eating, his kidneys will begin excreting urine into his bladder, his bone marrow is busy making white blood cells, his pituitary gland (at the base of the brain) has started producing the hormones that'll enable him (or her) to make babies of his (or her) own in a couple of decades or so, and most dramatically, his reflexes have started to form. Meanwhile, nerve cells are multiplying rapidly, and synapses in baby's brain are forming furiously. From crown to rump, he or she is just over 2 inches long."

Coming up Next:  Friday is our scheduled Early Risk Assessment.  We'll have an ultrasound (!) where the technician will take measurements of the baby to confirm that it's growing according to plan.  At this point, since the majority of all of the baby's parts are developed, they can also assess if the baby is at risk for Downs Syndrome or any other physical birth defects.  I'm both nervous and excited. I guess every parent-to-be is worried about all of the potential complications that could arise during this critical time period, but this will be the first time we'll see full image of the baby!  Pictures hopefully to come soon :)

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