Wednesday, March 13, 2013

11 Weeks

Another week, another fruit - this week our baby is about the size of a fig, or a kiwi, depending on which source you consult.

Deven and I decided to take one last trip up to Sunday River this past weekend.  I had organized an outing of sorts for ARCADIS people and their families - though, it turned into a pretty small, but good group of people. 

I had planned to take it easy and meander down the green (easy/beginner) slopes, but anyone who knows me, knows how excited and engaged I can get into things and push myself to my limits...I ended up running with the rest of the group - skiing mostly blue (intermediate) runs instead.  The conditions were great, but fast, so I felt like I was working extra hard to keep in control and avoid being the target of a collision with all the people on the mountain - including a porcupine who decided to mozy across one of the runs, stopping traffic in all directions.  All in all, it was a great day, but certainly MY end to ski-season. I was DONE at the end of the day :). 

After snacking at a co-worker's mountain cabin for Apres' Ski, Deven and I ended up at Fore Street (his favorite in Portland), which did not disappoint (including his bacon creme brulee)! The drive home wasn't bad, but longer for Deven, as I napped most of the way home (baby was tired!), and Sunday was all about resting - I can't remember ever being sooo tired!!

Tuesday, we had another doctor's appointment.  This time we met with my actual OB, who ran quite a bit behind schedule (note to self...choose a morning appointment instead of the last appointment of the day!). Though we didn't have another ultrasound, we DID get to hear the baby's heart beating for the first time!!!  Apparently, you're supposed to be able to hear the heartbeat around 11 weeks, and I think we're running about 1/2 a week behind their predictions.  Still, after some searching by the nurse AND the doctor, they finally found it (he or she must have been cozy, or hiding, and didn't want to be proded - not sure where it gets that from :)).  How crazy to hear that something so small is so alive, and I'm still unable to really feel anything, aside from these peripheral symptoms.  It certainly made it more real for us, and I guess a good first confirmation for the doctor who said, "well, you're definitely pregnant!" Good to know that we're all on the same page :).

Anyway, this week, our "baby is almost 2 inches long, weighing about a third of an ounce, and is now almost fully formed. At this point, her head is about equal in length to the rest of her body, and little hair follicles are forming. Her hands will soon open and close into fists, tiny tooth buds are beginning to appear under her gums, and some of her bones are beginning to harden. She's already busy kicking and stretching, and her tiny movements are so effortless they look like water ballet. These movements will become more frequent as her body grows and becomes more developed and functional."


Unknown said...

WOO heartbeat :) how exciting!!!

Unknown said...
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