Tuesday, March 5, 2013

10 Weeks

I can't believe we're at 10 weeks already!!  For those with analytical backgrounds, you can appreciate that we're already 25% through this process...and it's really just starting to sink in.

We were finally able to get the news out to all of our immediate family this week, and have slowly started sharing our impending arrival with some of our closest friends.  It's been so difficult to try to keep my ever-changing appetite, moods, and thoughts concealed.  It's been an interesting balance - we want to make sure we're passed the most critical stages, but containing the excitement about something, which I didn't even think was possible for the most recent few years of my life, has certainly been a challenge :).

The last week was spent trying to finalize our car purchase in PA - yes, Pennsylvania.  I would highly recommend the no-hassle Costco Auto Program; I just hope that you have a dealership that participates who is closer to where you live.

Deven got back from Japan at the beginning of the week, and then spent the next day running around town to finalize all of the paperwork - including a 1.5 hours stop at the ever-efficient RMV.  Plates in hand, we headed down to PA on the train Saturday morning, and finalized the paperwork that afternoon.  We were able to meet our cousin, Uday, for wonderful dinner with Silas at the White Dog Cafe, and then spent the night in Princeton, NJ.  After a nice brunch with Krystle & Jeremy, we started our trip back up to MA - stopping at Wegman's and Rein's NY Deli along the way.  Though the trip was relatively relaxed, I felt all of that fatigue creep up on Monday morning.  I would have to say that the exhaustion has really been the most noticeable symptom at this point - I can't remember ever being so tired - including when I pulled all-nighters in school!!

This weekend was the first time that I noticed a very slight "bump" beginning to form.  I attribute it to all of the food I've been eating (all healthy, I promise!), and the apparently longer digestion process.  Although, I suppose the fact that I'm actually pregnant, now is the time that the little bump is supposed to start appearing :).  He's a picture we took (maybe more of a baseline), but here's what I look like at this point.

I hope to start posting pictures of the bump's progress each week, so we can see the evolution along the way!

Here's what's been going on with the baby this week:
"Our baby is now the size of a prune - a little over an inch long or so, crown to bottom, and weighs less than 1/4 of an ounce.  At this point, the baby has completed the most critical portion of his development and is embarking upon the fetal period, when tissues and organs are rapidly growing and maturing. He has small indentations on his legs (soon to be knees and ankles!), and his tiny arms even have elbows that bend. Inside that little mouth, tiny buds of baby teeth are forming under the gums. Tiny nails are also forming on fingers and toes, and peach-fuzz hairs are beginning to grow on his tender skin. His stomach and kidneys are kicking into gear, producing digestive juices and urine, and if our little peanut is a boy, his testes are already beginning to make testosterone."

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