Wednesday, September 4, 2013

New Name & 36 Weeks!

We've talked about it for so long - I can't believe that the day is finally here!  With the impending arrival of our little one, Deven and I decided to make our family name legal, going back to his original family name - MITTAL, and me taking his last name.  Who knew that doing so in Massachusetts was such a process?

Deven filed the original petition to change our name on July 2nd, and then after some persistent follow up, we were told to notice the petition in our local newspaper.  Here's a copy of the legal ad that ran.
Following the waiting period for objections, Deven and I went to the Essex County Probate Court this morning (2 months later!) to finalize the motion for the name change.  After going through the maze of desks and courtrooms, and hearing some interesting (and sad) cases on custody, divorce, and child support, our name change petition was finally signed by the judge!  What a way to celebrate 36 weeks :)

The Middleton Mittals

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