Monday, April 15, 2013

14 Weeks

Needless to say, I'm behind in updating the blog, so I'll try to recap what's been going on over the last several weeks.  Deven and I drove down to Blackburg for Easter Weekend - leaving Friday afternoon after work.  We stopped at Rein's Deli in CT, and then in Mahwah for the night.  I had planned on getting what was supposed to be amazing bagels in Suffern, NJ (just on the border), but we settled for the hotel special so we could make it to the Temple on time.  Deven and I stopped at the Vraj for the 2nd Darshan of the day, just making it on time, and then in Harrisburg for lunch.  After stopping every 2 hours or so to stretch or use the restroom, we made it down to Blackburg just before dinner, just as Mary and some of the animals arrive on one of the many move trips.  This was the first time I was able to show the slightly growing belly off to any family, which was exciting :).  We had a really nice homestyle meal at a local Italian restaurant...amazing how much my appetite has grown - while I thought I could only each half of my dish, I ended up polishing it off, and then enjoying some dessert afterwards - (so some of that belly must be food)!  That night, we shared the news with Deven's side of the family in India - they were so excited, and it was so nice to hear all of the good wishes that followed our announcement - the 1st great grandchild for Ma!  We got some rest and then made it down to Winston-Salem, NC to meet Rishee for Easter dinner at Mozzelle's. 


The food was really good southern style food, and I had my share of sweet tea to keep me going for a little while :), and our trip down to Charlotte.  That night, we were able to share our news with my side of the family in India.  After some connection issues, we finally go to facetime with my grandmother and let her know what was coming our way!

After brunch at Zada Janes (!) with Rishee in Charlotte, we started our trip back to Boston.

The next day, we had an appointment with my OB.  Unfortunately, our little one was being evasive, and we weren't able to hear it's heartbeat on the Doppler.  Our supposedly calm doctor said, "you must be nervous, but it's ok, I probably just missed it." Well not knowing what to expect, I actually wasn't nervous at that point, but cue panic.  Fortunately, they squeezed us in for an ultrasound, and wouldn't you know, the little one looked perfect - happy as can be, and twirling about. I guess our little scare gave us the opportunity to get another picture of the little one....

The baby is the size of a lemon this week. He can now squint, frown, grimace, pee, and possibly suck his thumb! Thanks to brain impulses, his facial muscles are getting a workout as his tiny features form one expression after another.  He can grasp, too, and if you're having an ultrasound now, you may even catch him sucking his thumb - not sure if that's what our baby is doing in the picture above, but maybe?

He's starting to develop an ultra-fine, downy covering of hair, called lanugo, all over his body, and his liver starts making bile this week — a sign that it's doing its job right — and his spleen starts helping in the production of red blood cells!  As a side note, it's little hands and feet, which I can't feel yet, measure about a half an inch.  Quite a busy week for the little one :)

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